Hi, I’m Megan and at 26 years old I decided to take up golf. Having grown up playing a wide range of
sports I’d never been introduced to the idea of playing golf, and to be honest never really thought of
it as being something for me. However, I noticed over lockdown how many people started getting
into the sport and I wanted to get a taste of it for myself. I think that’s the great thing about social
media, how much it has opened areas of sports to a wider audience and getting more people into
the game.
I borrowed some clubs from a friend and went down to a local range to see what it was all about.
Luckily, I got to go with a friend for the first time because I wouldn’t have had a clue about getting
balls, what bays to go to or even setting my ball up, which I failed miserably at first (you can see on my tiktok). But going with someone gave me that little bit more confidence of just giving it
a go.
I must admit, when I first started looking into golf, I was extremely ignorant about the amount of
time, dedication and practice it was going to take. That was probably because of the amount of
talented people I had around me. But did I have a shock to the system. I have watched golf, therefor
thought I had an understanding of how it was meant to go. However, I was slightly shocked with my
lack of hand eye co-ordination when it came to adding in a golf club...
After numerous times of missing the ball, hitting the floor (that surprisingly hurts more than you
think) and basically rolling the ball like a putt instead of a swing it started to get a little bit frustrating.
So, I stopped, took a step back and thought “what is my goal? To hit the ball”. Then I relaxed and
instead of trying to be perfect straight away I just focused on the motion of hitting. And finally, I got
some flight! Now don’t get me wrong, my swing doesn’t look smooth or polished and my body is
quite stiff, but I was over the moon to see some progress even just after my first time!
Another thing I noticed was how little other people care when you “fail”, that was one of the most
daunting thoughts for me. Going to a new place, trying something completely new as an adult, I
thought everyone there was going to be amazing and I would stick out like a sore thumb. Yet, every
time I messed up and looked around everyone was just focusing on their own practice and could not
care in the slightest how awful I was. Which made my laugh... why was I so nervous about what
other thought when in all honesty they were just there for their own enjoyment and practice.
So, what would I suggest to someone else starting the game? JUST GO FOR IT! No one is an expert
their first time, but also go with an open head. You’re probably using muscles in ways you never
have before, so you have to learn how to use them. But in all honesty, just have fun with it and keep
Why don’t you follow along with my journey on TikTok on @megdavie5 and with my blog posts on TournamentTracker.co.uk!
Smashing it!! Amazing article doing it for the gals 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼