Golf hard enough at the best of times, add wind into the equation and it’s a whole new challenge, it can become even more difficult. By choosing the right strategy, shot shape and club you will be able to continuously improve your ball control and subsequently hit better shots. This will enable you to learn to play well in the wind and maximize your scoring potential.
Strategy trumps all! Create a great strategy and remember to be aware of the wind direction and strength, adjust your aim and yardage accordingly. Learn to control the loft on the club – Those that can’t control the loft just take more club (so they will choose a 6 instead of a 7). Controlling the loft will enable you to keep the ball lower which will lessen the effect of the wind onto the ball. Likewise, if downwind you would likely take less club and hit the ball higher to adapt the flight and take advantage of the opportunity of being downwind.
Different strategies include:
Playing with the wind – Letting the wind take your ball.
Play against the wind – Spin the ball in the opposite direction of where the wind is going.
Over club and under hit the shot.
Direction is important as you may be able to move the ball towards the wind direction which would neutral out the ball flight. For example, if the wind is from the left then you could hit the ball with right to left spin which would neutralise the ball flight to fly straighter.
In windy conditions, club choice is everything, so remember that knowing your yardages will help you maximise your score. Think about it, if you are playing in 20mph wind/ 2 club wind and you are always pin high, the likely hood of you scoring better than those around you increases.
Another crucial component of playing in the wind is ball control, those with great ball control no matter the weather usually win or maximise their scoring ability. So, if you can maintain some element of ball control in the wind you will be able to always play consistent golf. This element will set you above the rest. Ball control is also crucial when playing golf in the wind. Ball control is about producing the right amount of spin for the shot required. If you’re playing into wind, you would want less spin and if you are playing downwind you would want more spin.
As mentioned earlier shot shaping is another important element to consider when in the wind. This one should be practiced on the range prior to trying it on the course. There is a higher level of understanding and technique involved in shot shaping. However, you may not need to shot shape at all. If you understand your shot patterns, you may be able to get the ball around the course in spectacular fashion. For example, if you are right-handed and hit a draw (right to left) and the wind is from the right, you can aim further right if the shot allows and then let the ball ride the wind. This is a different form of ball control but at lease this way you can guarantee where your ball is likely to end up. (Left).
Playing golf in the wind also matters around the greens, the wind will affect how high your chips go and also how quick your chips and pitches stop. Always consider when warming up and playing how the wind will affect your landing zone and release. Likewise, if putting down with the ball will travel further, like when a wave takes a surfer the ball will react the same in the wind. If putting into wind the ball will be struggling to get to its destination so give it a bit more hit.
The wind is a variable that is ever changing and hard to adapt to, because no shot is the same. Above all take your time and remain patient, mistakes happen when we rush and the wind will only amplify any mistake or loose shot.
In conclusion, adapting to golfing in the wind can be challenging, but by adopting the right: strategies, club choice, having great ball control, and being able to shot shape, you can learn to be consistent and maximise your scoring.